


[goods][detail] SQL execute failed :SELECT * FROM t_goods_data WHERE id=
Error Message:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Code:1064
Error SQL:SELECT * FROM t_goods_data WHERE id=

Source File


Stack Trace

#0 /usr/home/qxu1650040114/htdocs/doitphp/core/db/db_mysql.class.php(120)Controller::halt([goods][detail] SQL execute failed :SELECT * FROM t_goods_data WHERE id=
Error Message:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Code:1064
Error SQL:SELECT * FROM t_goods_data WHERE id=)
#1 /usr/home/qxu1650040114/htdocs/doitphp/core/db/db_mysql.class.php(178)db_mysql->query(SELECT * FROM t_goods_data WHERE id=)
#2 /usr/home/qxu1650040114/htdocs/doitphp/core/Model.class.php(1073)db_mysql->fetchRow(SELECT * FROM t_goods_data WHERE id=)
#3 /usr/home/qxu1650040114/htdocs/application/models/Goods_dataModel.class.php(9)Model->getOne(id=..)
#4 /usr/home/qxu1650040114/htdocs/application/controllers/GoodsController.class.php(266)Goods_dataModel->get_goods_data_row()
#5 /usr/home/qxu1650040114/htdocs/doitphp/doit.class.php(312)GoodsController->detailAction()
#6 /usr/home/qxu1650040114/htdocs/index.php(71)doit::run()